Friday, April 12, 2013


I am planning to reseach why our society is so obsessed with the social media and the internet. I want to do a survey and see how much time people spend on the social media networks. interview  and see why do they social network or why not. Lets see how this goes.

Monday, March 11, 2013

A person is  not capable of managing more friendships than you typically see on Facebook, but how can a person have 1,000 friends a website called Spectrum discusses . In class we evaluated the different groups we have on Facebook, by organizing them into three groups; primary,secondary and unknown. After I went through all or most of my friends i concluded that i only have a small group of primary friends; people that i talk to on a regular basic, my close friends and family. I realized that i have a huge amount of friends in the secondary group, people that i know but not talk to as much or see a lot  the amount of friends that i have that are unknown is frightening, I don't know a quarter of my Facebook friends. the only reason I am friends with the people I do not know is because we have a lot of mutual friends in common. 

so long-
             Mary Fitz

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Is Facebook the New Norm?

I read an article on Yahoo saying the people are taking breaks on Facebook because they spend too much time on Facebook. I can say that I do spend too much time on Facebook and it is a problem that is distracting me from my work. I have also notice that children younger and younger have been joining facebook. Facebook use to be just for college students, than it expanded to high school students  and know children as young as 12 have been joining. Additional older adults have been participating in Facebook to stay connected with old friends and family. This seems like an excellent idea at the beginning but now Facebook has grown and expanded into this billion dollars corporation and has lost is original concept. Now it purpose is for wasting time and not interacting with people physically but through cyberspace. The article says that 67% of adults are now using Facebook, so has Facebook become the new norm?....... It definitely has.

That's all for now! Comment, Questions, Concerns?

-Mary Fitz

Friday, January 25, 2013

Why Social Media?

I picked this topic because I want to study and analyze how Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr are influencing our society. Additional how our society has changed since the development of social media in the last few decades and the compare and contrast life with social media and without social media. What has the social media done to our society?

see you next time!

-Mary Fitz